Virtual Preference Schedule and StructureDATE: Sun. Sept. 26 (all dates & times in PST)
TIME: 2:30-8:45pm PST Virtual Zoom link will be sent via email. During Preference, you will visit up to two sororities. Each visit is 1 hour and will include an intimate ceremony. You will most likely be matched with someone who you have previously talked to and you might be asked to take part in the ceremony, along with the other potential new members who are visiting the chapter with you. This round is quite different from other rounds and can be quite emotional for both you and the sorority women. Remember that this is your last opportunity to truly connect with the women in each chapter, so we urge you to make an effort to talk about deeper experiences and don’t feel afraid to open up and show these women who you really are. Once you've completed your Preference schedule, you will be emailed a link to join another Zoom call to complete your final selection. You must attend this session if you would like to receive a bid. |
Preference ConversationThis is the most formal round. Each chapter does things a little differently, but they all bring you closer to their cause and values. At this point, the women know you better so you can focus more on talking about the sorority experience. Focus your conversation on deeper connections and don’t be afraid to open up: