Panhellenic Resources for Sexual Misconduct
This document is created with the help of UBC's Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO). This document is reviewed each year in February, after new executives are transitioned, so all members and leadership teams are aware and comfortable with the information. Additional review is possible when determined necessary.
(Last edited on 2020-08-11.) |
Sexual Misconduct FAQs
We believe you and you deserve support. It is never your fault. You get to decide what is right for you, and we can help connect you with options and resources.
If you have experienced any type of harassment, sexual or gender based violence/harm, or misconduct, there are resources available to you within Panhellenic, on campus, and in the community. You get to decide who you are comfortable speaking with. This document includes a list of some of those options; your Panhellenic President and Chapter President can also talk with you about your options, as can a Support Team member at SVPRO or SASC.
If you have experienced any type of harassment, sexual or gender based violence/harm, or misconduct, there are resources available to you within Panhellenic, on campus, and in the community. You get to decide who you are comfortable speaking with. This document includes a list of some of those options; your Panhellenic President and Chapter President can also talk with you about your options, as can a Support Team member at SVPRO or SASC.
What can I do if I have experienced sexual harm/violence or misconduct?
- If you decide you would like to reach out for support, you have options:
- Within Panhellenic: [see FAQ below - “How can Panhellenic or my chapter support me?”]
- SVPRO: UBC’s response to disclosures is to provide support services through SVPRO - you can meet with a Support Specialist and talk about a range of options including things like safety planning, emergency housing, academic concessions, etc. Your needs and experiences determine what support looks like for you. Reporting (to police or UBC Investigations Office) is not required in order to receive support services from UBC or Panhellenic.
- SASC: Located in the AMS Nest, since 2002 the SASC has been committed to the education, support, and empowerment of people of all genders who are survivors of sexualized violence as well as their friends and family. The SASC serves UBC students, staff, faculty, and people with a connection to the UBC campus through various resources and services.
- Off campus resources: e.g. WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre, Campus Lightbox...
- [See more details & contact info under our “Resources” section below.]
- If you decide that you would like to learn more about reporting, you have options:
- A SASC or SVPRO staff can walk you through it.
- You can go directly to the UBC Investigations Office to learn more or to make a report. They have both investigations and alternative resolution processes.
What would I do if I was drugged?
- Often drugs used to facilitate sexual assault leave your system quickly and will not show up on tests. This means it is not always clear if you have been drugged. If you think you have been drugged, you can seek medical support or consultation.
- One option is the Sexual Assault Service @ UBC Hospital or Vancouver General Hospital (exam with consent and/or collect forensic evidence)
- You can call 911 if that feels right for you.
- If you are still at the venue, reach out to on-site security, on-site First Aid Team, or other Panhellenic women if available.
- If you would like the Panhellenic Executives to be aware of this, you can notify your Chapter President or the Panhellenic President. Depending on the situation and what you identify would be the most helpful, we could liaise with party hosts (only with your consent), support you to access resources, or simply be aware. [see FAQ below - “How can Panhellenic or my chapter support me?”]
What would I do if someone discloses a drugging/sexual assault incident to me, or if I was a witness?
- If someone discloses to you, it’s important to let them know that they are supported, believed, and have options. Listen with care and connect them with support or reporting options that they are interested in. To help minimize negative impacts, let the other person know that whatever happened, it was not their fault.
- Respond with empathy and support. Ask questions about what support the person needs. Avoid questions about what happened or why it happened.
- e.g. "How are you doing?" & "What can I do to help you?"
- Safeguard privacy and confidentiality. If you are not trained on responding to disclosures or are unsure what to do or say, SVPRO and SASC can be your consultant while ensuring privacy and confidentiality are respected.
- If the incident disclosed to you happened within the Fraternity Village or was associated with a Greek event/person, you may seek support from Panhellenic or IFC without mentioning the individual's name or association, dependent on the individual’s comfort with you sharing this information. You may also encourage them to seek support themselves if they are comfortable.
How can Panhellenic or my chapter support me?
- There are a variety of ways your chapter and/or Panhellenic can support you during difficult times. If you choose to reach out, we respect your decisions and encourage you to communicate what will best support your needs. Examples may be:
- Adjusting your attendance in meetings/events.
- Helping you get in touch with professional resources such as SVPRO/SASC.
- Walking you over to SVPRO/SASC office if you need a friend for support.
- If this incident occurred within the Fraternity Village or was associated with a Greek event/person, you may share information about the incident only if you feel comfortable, regardless of whether or not you were the survivor or someone who was disclosed on this information:
- Panhellenic President: [email protected]
- Panhellenic Manager: [email protected]
- Any Panhellenic Chapter President or Chapter Advisor
- Your reporting will be completely confidential.
- With your consent, we can bring conversation/feedback/concerns, without mentioning your name nor your association, to the IFC President and the associated Fraternity President/Risk Management Chair so they can conduct a related investigation.
- HERE is the IFC Protocol on how they handle these situations.
- You may also directly disclose to the IFC if you feel comfortable:
- Interfraternity Council President: [email protected]
For more resources, please visit Campus LightBox for a detailed list of links & information.
Local Resources for Immediate Help
- Call VictimLinkBC toll-free at 1-800-563-0808. This confidential service is available at all times and in many languages. If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, contact VictimLinkBC by text at 604-836-6381 or by TTY at 604-875-0885 (to call collect, please call the Telus Relay Service at 711).
- At any time of day or night, you can also call the WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre crisis line at 1-877-392-7583. WAVAW provides support services for survivors of sexualized violence who are of marginalized genders: cis and trans women, and Two-Spirit, trans, and/or non-binary people.
UBC Support Resources
- Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO)
- UBC funded service. Offers similar support services as SASC.
- Located in Vantage College, which is connected to Orchard Commons.
- Provides information about what to do if you have been assaulted & potential medical testing options.
- AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC)
- AMS funded service. Offers similar support services as SVPRO.
- Located in the Nest.
- Survivors may reach out to both SVPRO/SASC - ultimately it is up to the survivor to visit whichever service that they feel is the most convenient and appropriate to their needs.
- UBC Wellness Centre
- At the Wellness Centre, Wellness Peer Educators are trained student volunteers who can answer your questions, talk with you, and recommend resources for everyday concerns related to health, relationships, and workload.
UBC Reporting Resources
- UBC Investigations Office
- UBC funded service. Helps with individuals who wish to go through a formalized process to report incidents. Feel free to reach out to SVPRO/SASC for help on how to go through this process.
UBC Abroad Resources
- Safety Abroad at UBC
- Resource aimed at helping you in emergency situations when you are abroad.